回覆: 自己上色的 Zoom LeBron 4
感謝各位的支持&建議! 其實近看還蠻多瑕疵,畢竟是用畫筆漆的。
穿下場打球後就不知道多久後會裂掉? 希望不會.... 但是時間久應該會裂吧?
我是直接拿ZL4 去美術社詢問適合漆在其材質的材料
美術社推薦使用 專門漆在衣服上 有彈性的壓克力漆(水性) + 乾掉比較軟的亮光漆(油性)...
To: sk2evolution
I also used acrylic paint, but i was recommended to use acrylic paint design for fabrics, polystyrene, and plastic. coz its more flexible and elastic.
As for Varnish, I used acrylic mediums - gloss varnish that go with acrylic paints. its oil based, but very watery.
I apply the colour 2 layers, then varnish 1 layer. I think the thiner the layer is, the less it will crack ba?
my shoe is totally new, so no crack yet. but i guess it should crack after sometimes ba...
best luck to u! ^^