New Member
- 註冊日期
- 2006-08-12
- 帖子
- 1,230
在經過了漫長的剪貼之後終於把圖片都轉載完成:kenlu_9: :kenlu_9:
先聲明以下這些恐怖的收藏並不是我的(如果是我的有多好:kenlu_11: ),這是在NikeSB.ORG站上一位b53的收藏,從他的個人資料來看我猜他應該是站長本人,他的鞋真的是多到嚇死人,可能比一兩間鞋店還多:kenlu_1:
全套的Nike Dunk SB.........全套的Adidas 35週年.........全套的Jordan...........還有數不完的樣品鞋跟限量款..........他幾乎無所不收.............真是超佩服的 :kenlu_15: :kenlu_15: 給還沒看過的人開開眼界囉
All Images Via NikeSB.ORG
Finally, big shout out to b53, if you come across this thread by any chance, just want to say thanks for your sharing, and this is the most amazing collection I've seen......................By the way, if this is causing you any trouble please let me know and I will take down all the pics. PEACE :kenlu_4:
先聲明以下這些恐怖的收藏並不是我的(如果是我的有多好:kenlu_11: ),這是在NikeSB.ORG站上一位b53的收藏,從他的個人資料來看我猜他應該是站長本人,他的鞋真的是多到嚇死人,可能比一兩間鞋店還多:kenlu_1:
全套的Nike Dunk SB.........全套的Adidas 35週年.........全套的Jordan...........還有數不完的樣品鞋跟限量款..........他幾乎無所不收.............真是超佩服的 :kenlu_15: :kenlu_15: 給還沒看過的人開開眼界囉
All Images Via NikeSB.ORG

Finally, big shout out to b53, if you come across this thread by any chance, just want to say thanks for your sharing, and this is the most amazing collection I've seen......................By the way, if this is causing you any trouble please let me know and I will take down all the pics. PEACE :kenlu_4: