- 註冊日期
- 2006-06-22
- 帖子
- 4,146
這幾年下來, 看到了許許多多排隊的場景照片/實況...
喜歡的是, 那種大家聚在一起, 為了某樣喜歡的東西的感覺.
看到網友傳過來的這個視訊, 想到最近在忙的活動.
就跟追女朋友一樣, 許多事是需要花時間 花心思 花錢 放感情才作得出來的.
雖然說合得來就在一起, 合不來就冷靜一下,
但是那培養起來的fu, 卻是久久難忘的.
自己追求, 自己面對.
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SignUp Now!pay a flight tickt to buy a air jordan V? 那可真是瘋狂, 台灣鞋店密集度這麼高, 這種事很難發生吧.....不過我很認同他後面提到的....The event was great: lot of people, nearly all the shoes has been sold... Everybody was happy... But we were quiet surprise of some kind of lake of foreigner... Some years ago we would have find some english, german, or even chinese sneaker freaks who gonna have paid a flight ticket to come in Paris to buy the JORDAN V. Internet business kill this kind of events.
感謝上帝....我們有戰區的球聚...... 如果沒有...那還真是蠻sad的, 隨然說msn還是很方便溝通~~~People don't need to travel anymore they gonna buy it quietly and softly in front on their own computer. Kinda sad.. kinda part of the game, and the evolution of the street culture.
NO!ED大! 沒有了戰區就沒有火花了! 我們總不能在MSN上跑快攻吧.....:kenlu_13:感謝上帝....我們有戰區的球聚...... 如果沒有...那還真是蠻sad的, 隨然說msn還是很方便溝通~~~