Pickup few weeks ago. Thx for watching:kenlu_4:
T Terence New Member 註冊日期 2007-10-21 帖子 112 2008-06-05 #1 Pickup few weeks ago. Thx for watching:kenlu_4:
afreakyboy New Member 註冊日期 2006-08-12 帖子 1,230 2008-06-05 #2 回覆: [分享] LeBron 20.5.5 White/Gold Nice pick up, this is probably the only 20-5-5 I like.............missed out on them for few times and hopefully I can still find one in my size range someday............. Thanks for sharing!
回覆: [分享] LeBron 20.5.5 White/Gold Nice pick up, this is probably the only 20-5-5 I like.............missed out on them for few times and hopefully I can still find one in my size range someday............. Thanks for sharing!
阿期 New Member 註冊日期 2006-08-09 帖子 3,212 2008-06-05 #3 回覆: [分享] LeBron 20.5.5 White/Gold 這雙對小皇帝的球迷來說 可是夢幻逸品耶:kenlu_2: 感謝分享:kenlu_15:
jackie02 New Member 註冊日期 2008-03-29 帖子 456 2008-06-05 #4 回覆: [分享] LeBron 20.5.5 White/Gold 比想象中好看得多~~~~~~~~好看~~ 後跟的那個象棋是什麽意思啊??
阿期 New Member 註冊日期 2006-08-09 帖子 3,212 2008-06-05 #5 回覆: [分享] LeBron 20.5.5 White/Gold 作者: jackie02: 比想象中好看得多~~~~~~~~好看~~ 後跟的那個象棋是什麽意思啊?? Click to expand... 應該是西洋棋吧 看起來好像是騎士........
回覆: [分享] LeBron 20.5.5 White/Gold 作者: jackie02: 比想象中好看得多~~~~~~~~好看~~ 後跟的那個象棋是什麽意思啊?? Click to expand... 應該是西洋棋吧 看起來好像是騎士........
afreakyboy New Member 註冊日期 2006-08-12 帖子 1,230 2008-06-05 #6 回覆: [分享] LeBron 20.5.5 White/Gold 作者: jackie02: 比想象中好看得多~~~~~~~~好看~~ 後跟的那個象棋是什麽意思啊?? Click to expand... 那個西洋棋的騎士代表的是LeBron James和他的三個好友兼現任經紀人Maverick Carter(這位仁兄還曾經是LeBron James在SVSM高中的校隊隊友)、Randy Mihms和Rich Paul所組成的"4 Horsemen",在許多的LeBron PE或是AF1 PE上都會看到。
回覆: [分享] LeBron 20.5.5 White/Gold 作者: jackie02: 比想象中好看得多~~~~~~~~好看~~ 後跟的那個象棋是什麽意思啊?? Click to expand... 那個西洋棋的騎士代表的是LeBron James和他的三個好友兼現任經紀人Maverick Carter(這位仁兄還曾經是LeBron James在SVSM高中的校隊隊友)、Randy Mihms和Rich Paul所組成的"4 Horsemen",在許多的LeBron PE或是AF1 PE上都會看到。
T Terence New Member 註冊日期 2007-10-21 帖子 112 2008-06-05 #7 回覆: [分享] LeBron 20.5.5 White/Gold 作者: 阿期: 應該是西洋棋吧 看起來好像是騎士........ Click to expand... King's Horseman, 西洋棋裡面的騎士,隸屬國王囉, 個人猜測: 既然LeBron暱稱是King James, 那他腳上的鞋就是輔助他的"騎士", 所以才會弄在鞋子上. 抑或,西洋棋裡面騎士是不是有"四個", 所以球隊中其他場上四位球員也是LeBron的Horseman. 我好像看過King's Four Horseman的說法... 參考參考囉:kenlu_4:
回覆: [分享] LeBron 20.5.5 White/Gold 作者: 阿期: 應該是西洋棋吧 看起來好像是騎士........ Click to expand... King's Horseman, 西洋棋裡面的騎士,隸屬國王囉, 個人猜測: 既然LeBron暱稱是King James, 那他腳上的鞋就是輔助他的"騎士", 所以才會弄在鞋子上. 抑或,西洋棋裡面騎士是不是有"四個", 所以球隊中其他場上四位球員也是LeBron的Horseman. 我好像看過King's Four Horseman的說法... 參考參考囉:kenlu_4:
abt contributor 註冊日期 2006-06-30 帖子 1,741 2008-06-05 #8 回覆: [分享] LeBron 20.5.5 White/Gold Bro Terence cong to u! very nice pickup! it's the best colorway on 20.5.5
回覆: [分享] LeBron 20.5.5 White/Gold Bro Terence cong to u! very nice pickup! it's the best colorway on 20.5.5
鳥來伯與茱麗葉 Well-Known Member 註冊日期 2007-01-12 帖子 1,067 2008-06-06 #9 回覆: [分享] LeBron 20.5.5 White/Gold 放大版的...看的比較清楚:kenlu_2: via Gettyimages
kaczala New Member 註冊日期 2006-11-10 帖子 250 2008-06-06 #10 回覆: [分享] LeBron 20.5.5 White/Gold This is my favorite shoe!!! I hope I will get it some time. What size are they ?
回覆: [分享] LeBron 20.5.5 White/Gold This is my favorite shoe!!! I hope I will get it some time. What size are they ?