- 註冊日期
- 2006-06-22
- 帖子
- 4,146
[Kevin Garnett狼巡台灣行]
KENLU第一手報導 聯訪記者會
AM10:00 遠企飯店KENLU第一手報導 聯訪記者會
AM10:10 入場
OMG....KG你注意到我了嗎? 是在跟我揮手嗎? 我在這裡呀~~~(別爽了...這是前晚接機拍的影片, adidas手腳超快的剪出來,
KG入場, 黝黑帥氣的皮膚, 搭配上背後的龍圖騰, 感覺好像紋身喲~~~
親筆簽名的KG3, 大家可以注意那鞋身的反光材質, 隨著角度是會變色的!
size 16, 看見鞋子時有種看到大船開過來的感覺
ED:hi, What's your favorite kicks on court and off court?
KG:KG on court, of course. and I love superstar in my casual time. I wore them to bed, to my refrigerator get foods. I got red, blue, and white. if they release purple one, I think I still will get them.
夏天一定要涼一下的~~duncan x climacool
不管到哪裡都帥的kenluboss x RUN DMC
恭喜勘履得獎的朋友Jeord!! :kenlu_15:
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