- 註冊日期
- 2006-06-22
- 帖子
- 4,146
adidas 歐冠盃決賽之夜
Night of adidas UEFA final
Cheer for UEFA final with adidas!
慶祝adidas贊助球隊AC米蘭(AC Milan)與利物浦(Liverpool FC)雙雙晉級冠軍決賽,adidas特別舉辦「adidas 歐冠盃決賽之夜」活動!只要於5/24與adidas一同欣賞歐冠盃精采決賽,並填妥抽獎券上的基本資料投入抽獎箱中,即有機會獲得由adidas提供的歐冠盃限量冠軍商品、以及即將於七月正式登台的Liverpool FC利物浦球衣!機會難得,快與adidas一起欣賞歐冠決賽的經典時刻!
adidas invite you to celebrate UEFA final with adidas and win a jersey! Just fill out your information on lucky draw ticket, you will have the chance to win the limited edition UEFA championship products and Liverpool FC jersey!
相關連結 http://www.brassmonkeytaipei.com/
Night of adidas UEFA final
Cheer for UEFA final with adidas!
慶祝adidas贊助球隊AC米蘭(AC Milan)與利物浦(Liverpool FC)雙雙晉級冠軍決賽,adidas特別舉辦「adidas 歐冠盃決賽之夜」活動!只要於5/24與adidas一同欣賞歐冠盃精采決賽,並填妥抽獎券上的基本資料投入抽獎箱中,即有機會獲得由adidas提供的歐冠盃限量冠軍商品、以及即將於七月正式登台的Liverpool FC利物浦球衣!機會難得,快與adidas一起欣賞歐冠決賽的經典時刻!
adidas invite you to celebrate UEFA final with adidas and win a jersey! Just fill out your information on lucky draw ticket, you will have the chance to win the limited edition UEFA championship products and Liverpool FC jersey!
相關連結 http://www.brassmonkeytaipei.com/
- 2007歐冠盃冠軍隊紀念T-Shirt 五件 (市價NT1,080元)
2007 UEFA championship T-Shiert 5 pieces (retail price NT1,080)
- 2007歐冠盃冠軍隊紀念帽 五頂 (市價NT 650元)
2007 UEFA championship cap 5 pieces (retail price NT650)
- Liverpool FC利物浦球衣 五件 (市價NT1,680元)
Liverpool FC jersey 5 pieces (retail price NT1,680)
Note: Due to products will be launched in July 07, therefore winners of the prizes will not receive them on 5/24 event. adidas Taiwan will contact winners after product launch. Your understanding is highly appreciated.
想要得到上述獎項或是adidas足球系列商品的朋友,除了參加「adidas 歐冠盃決賽之夜」抽獎活動之外,更可於七月份親臨adidas全省經銷門市,選購包括Liverpool FC、Chelsea FC、以及Real Madrid等球會相關商品,用行動支持心愛的球會!
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