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SignUp Now!不會啦...作者: im912204:好久沒有來看自己的文章了!看了看有點小灰心,但謝謝各位大大的指教。若以後還有機會,我會再次仔細的去研究的…
原來是這樣設計的...感謝分享!作者: im912204:今晚出外吃飯時,買了本今天出刊的"Size尺碼"。翻了前幾頁發現了NIKE的新廣告ZOOM LeBRON IV
作者: im912204:今晚出外吃飯時,買了本今天出刊的"Size尺碼"。翻了前幾頁發現了NIKE的新廣告ZOOM LeBRON IV
作者: Ken Link:"Overall, the Air Zoom LeBron IV is the most versatile basketball shoe that we have. Not only from a comfort standpoint, but from a transition standpoint. It's bulletproof. It's based on the fact that if you take care of LeBron James you can take care of most athletes. And I think the fact that it's built for the pinnacle [player] of the game means you're going to get the pinnacle of all basketball shoes."
作者: Kasey Jarvis:"It's a little bit different from the normal construction of a shoe. Normally you have an outsole, midsole, the upper and then a sockliner. And that kind of speaks to the revolutionary construction of the shoe—the Zoom sockliner and the midsole are all one piece."
作者: Xavier:抓地力:7(紋路較前代淺,因為是使用Free設計且中間空隙太大,在一般室外球場較不佳,也必須避免滑。
那麼請問買ZLIV的話, size跟ZLIII一樣就可以, 還是需大半號?:kenlu_6:舒適性:7(內裡採用包覆全腳的輕化PU襪墊,包覆性比上代更佳
作者: oldman:那麼請問買ZLIV的話, size跟ZLIII一樣就可以, 還是需大半號?:kenlu_6:
請各位有穿過這兩雙鞋的大大解惑, 謝謝!
AGZ、ZL II和ZL IV我是要穿US10才會有我要的感覺!而ZL III的鞋頭較寬所以我穿US9.5就好了!