選手實著 / 轟生涯新高 64 分 Giannis Antetokounmpo 穿 Nike Freak 5 ‘UConn’ PE 締造隊史紀錄
昨天我們才看到屬於康乃狄克大學 (UConn) 的 Nike Kobe 8 Protro PE,使人想起 Kobe Bryant 和二女兒 Giana Bryant 生前與該校的互動。而今天又有另一位 NBA 球星穿著 UConn 專屬的球員版戰靴寫生涯紀錄,再度讓這所 NCAA 名校登上話題版面。
Giannis Antetokounmpo 在稍早結束的主場比賽中繳出 64 分 14 籃板雙十表現,幫助球隊擊敗溜馬隊,一吐先前在季中錦標賽四強戰輸給溜馬隊的怨氣。他不僅單場得分創個人 NBA 生涯新高,也改寫退役前輩 Michael Redd 於 2006 年締造的 57 分隊史紀錄。
此雙 Freak 5 出自 Nike 長期贊助的康乃狄克大學,鞋舌印有該校吉祥物哈士奇犬。近期 Giannis Antetokounmpo 還有 LeBron James 都蠻常穿 NCAA 各校的 PE 上場征戰,不曉得是不是因為 NCAA 賽季開打,他們希望以此幫學生球員吸引更多關注?
Giannis Antetokounmpo 本場以 71% 投籃命中率飆出 64 分,據 NBA 官方統計,包含他在內聯盟史上僅有 5 位球員曾用 70%+ 投籃命中率攻得 60+ 分,其中一位就是其現任隊友 Damian Lillard。
Giannis is only the 5th player in NBA history to score 60+ PTS on 70%+ FG.
He joins:
– Wilt Chamberlain (4x)
– Karl Malone
– David Thompson
– Damian Lillard pic.twitter.com/zegLVxgD36— NBA History (@NBAHistory) December 14, 2023
公鹿與溜馬一役賽後還上演小插曲,起因是溜馬隊帶走了比賽用球,讓想要把球收走留念的 Giannis Antetokounmpo 感到不滿,一度要衝到對方休息室去。
Giannis was heated after the Pacers took the game ball.
He just scored 64 points with the ball, a Bucks franchise record. pic.twitter.com/GdhBwiWpdD
— Complex Sports (@ComplexSports) December 14, 2023
據記者 Chris Haynes 報導,溜馬隊之所以把球拿走,是因為陣中新秀 Oscar Tshiebwe 投進了 NBA 生涯首個 Field Goal (此前只有命中過一記罰球),想給他留作紀念。
Pacers player told Bucks they took game ball from Giannis after his career-high to give to rookie Oscar Tschiebwe, who scored his first career basket, per B/R's @ChrisBHaynes
Bucks security was able to retrieve the ball for Giannis pic.twitter.com/omQlW0b0KW
— Bleacher Report (@BleacherReport) December 14, 2023
而後來事情有了意料外的發展,雖然溜馬隊已把他們拿到的球交給 Giannis Antetokounmpo,但有人發現真正的那顆比賽用球應該被公鹿隊相關人士第一時間收走了。
here’s the video. that this is all a complete misunderstanding is v funny. https://t.co/Zr1pl4YXbW pic.twitter.com/d7nuQ5rz5z
— Rob Perez (@WorldWideWob) December 14, 2023
To recap: It appears there was confusion when Bucks were aggressively pursuing what they initially believed was the game-used ball tonight in Milwaukee. A Bucks official actually grabbed the game ball from Giannis Antetokounmpo’s 64-point performance at the buzzer, according to… https://t.co/lHne8OJS4t
— Adrian Wojnarowski (@wojespn) December 14, 2023
圖片來源:Giannis Antetokounmpo / Bucks