選手實著 / 51 分破 Game 7 單場紀錄!Jayson Tatum 穿的是 Jordan Tatum 1 ‘Zoo’
2023 年 NBA 季後賽驚奇不斷,有第八種子、第七種子晉級分區冠軍賽之外,至今兩場搶七大戰都出現歷史級飆分秀,先是 Stephen Curry 以單場 50 分寫下聯盟史上 Game 7 新猷,稍早 Jayson Tatum 再以 51 分成為新紀錄保持人,同時有 13 籃板、5 助攻表現,幫助球隊重返東區冠軍賽。
51 PTS (Game 7 NBA record)
13 REB
6 3PMCeltics advance to the ECF ‼️#NBAPlayoffs presented by @GooglePixel_US pic.twitter.com/Y8UT8jC1lV
— NBA (@NBA) May 14, 2023
今天 Jayson Tatum 著用 Jordan Tatum 1 ‘Zoo’,配色靈感源自他與兒子 Deuce 一起遊玩動物園的時光,4 月時已於臺灣發售 (可參考站內上市速報。然而本場比賽之後,’Zoo’ 配色又多了在母親節這天攻下 51 分的回憶。
Jayson Tatum drops a Game 7 record 51 points in the “Zoo” Tatum 1, a tribute to his son.
“[That colorway is about] the relationship that I have with Deuce and the things that we bond over, like his love for animals and his love for going to the St. Louis Zoo,” said @JayTatum0 pic.twitter.com/QrbZ8ZFKo8
— Nick DePaula (@NickDePaula) May 14, 2023
比賽這天美國時間適逢母親節,Tatum 媽媽 Brandy Cole-Barnes 到場為兒子加油,賽後 Jayson Tatum 也向母親致意。
What a way to celebrate Mother's Day ❤️
Jayson Tatum and his mom share a moment after his historic 51-point Game 7. pic.twitter.com/gQbVzKSsbH
— NBA (@NBA) May 14, 2023
Jayson Tatum's 51 points today are the most ever scored in a Game 7.
History. pic.twitter.com/WqiRPbVUgD
— NBA History (@NBAHistory) May 14, 2023