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相信有在關注 NBA 的勘履者早上都被這則動態洗版了吧,Derrick Rose 在稍早結束的比賽中拿下 50 分並成功干擾爵士隊最後一擊幫助灰狼隊贏球,打出個人 NBA 職業生涯單場得分新高,而陪伴他的戰靴正是 adidas D Rose 9,今早小編在通勤路上滑手機看到他今天穿的黑白配色才覺得好像有點帥 (灰狼隊復古球衣也是XD),沒想到竟然寫下個人新頁!而在此之前他例行賽個人最高紀錄是 2010-11 球季有過兩度得到 42 分 (該年季後賽曾單場 44 分),那也是 Derrick Rose 成為史上最年輕年度 MVP 的球季,至於接下來的事我想大家應該很清楚,歷經數次膝傷等傷勢困擾甚至一度乏人問津,但他從未放棄,今天的表現告訴大家玫瑰依然帶刺。小編寫文同時搜尋了一下,這雙黑白 D Rose 9 目前應該沒有市售,也期待未來 adidas 能讓它去到架上了。
Highlights from @drose's FIFTY-POINT night ⬇️ https://t.co/x060Vbl3oM
— Minnesota Timberwolves (@Timberwolves) November 1, 2018
賽後 Derrick Rose 也激動地落淚,一路走來所經歷的他最清楚,這也是為什麼能讓許多球迷打從心底佩服。稍後他更在臉書粉絲頁上寫道:Believe in yourself, even if they don’t.
Career-high 50 PTS | Game-winning block
An emotional Derrick Rose talks over his memorable night for the @Timberwolves!#AllEyesNorth #ThisIsWhyWePlay pic.twitter.com/YK28ptXyoG
— NBA (@NBA) November 1, 2018
許多 NBA 球員也在社群平台上向 Derrick Rose 致意。
Every Basketball fan in the world should feel good for DRose. Tonite was an example of never giving up on yourself and when others believe in you. Amazing things can happen. I’m smiling like i scored 50! Congrts to a good dude!
— DWade (@DwyaneWade) November 1, 2018
Man couldn’t be more happy for d 🌹. Can only imagine the emotions after what he’s gone through. Well deserved. Hard work is undefeated 🙌🏾
— CJ McCollum (@CJMcCollum) November 1, 2018
Happy for @drose man awesome to see!
— Myles Turner (@Original_Turner) November 1, 2018
Great to see D Rose dominate!!! https://t.co/CMrx9ye6nz
— Al Horford (@Al_Horford) November 1, 2018
Have a night DRose!! Inspiring for anyone who went through injuries (and more)!
— Jeremy Lin (@JLin7) November 1, 2018
This is what makes sports GREAT. The genuine ❤️ and appreciation Derrick Rose teammates have for him is fantastic. Happy for this young man.. #DontCallItComeback pic.twitter.com/cnEt6Iq3lz
— Reggie Miller (@ReggieMillerTNT) November 1, 2018
s/o to @drose for the 50 piece tonight!!!
— Chris Paul (@CP3) November 1, 2018
Extremely Happy for D Rose!!! One of my favorites to watch as a kid, and after everything he’s gone through…. he deserves this moment!! #Legend 🌹
— Trae Young (@TheTraeYoung) November 1, 2018
I’m so proud of you bro! No one knows you’re struggle what you went through day in an day out! You are truly inspiration to everyone! Super proud to have had you as a teammate! Keep going… https://t.co/l84jVzQHjr
— JR Smith (@TheRealJRSmith) November 1, 2018
Living Legend 🌹 https://t.co/zthi2wAQBg
— andrew wiggins (@22wiggins) November 1, 2018
資料來源:NBA / B/R Kicks