新聞分享 / Blake Griffin 將與 Jordan Brand 提前續約
根據 Nick DePaula 稍早在 Twitter 上透露的消息指出,活塞隊球星 Blake Griffin 與 Jordan Brand 目前的合約在今年秋天到期,不過近日雙方已經達成提前續約的協議 (官方尚未透露合約長度與金額),因此如無意外未來他與 Jordan Brand 會繼續攜手征戰賽場。還記得去年 11 月他的母校 University of Oklahoma 剛加入飛人大家庭 (站內報導),上星期以 Blake Griffin 為名的訓練中心更是剛全新落成,如今這位傑出校友也延續了其身為飛人一員的身份。
Blake Griffin has agreed to a shoe deal extension with Jordan Brand, in advance of his current deal expiring this Fall.
Blake also recently announced the new Griffin Family Performance Center at Oklahoma University. The Sooners will begin wearing Jordan Brand this season. pic.twitter.com/hDMfLW1aUQ
— Nick DePaula (@NickDePaula) September 10, 2018
"It's got everything you could need." – @BlakeGriffin23
👀🎥📸 of the Griffin Family Performance Center ➡️ https://t.co/1Ikih8bBGX pic.twitter.com/9kShUMfZZI
— Oklahoma Basketball (@OU_MBBall) August 27, 2018
Blake Griffin 是 2009 梯選秀狀元,大家應該記得加入 NBA 之初他先是穿 Nike 球鞋,2011 年拿下灌籃王時腳上 Hyperdunk 2011 至今仍讓人難忘,到了隔年 11 月 Jordan Brand 正式簽下他並開始擔任 Jordan Super.Fly 主力代言球星至今,近日他練球時腳上穿的正是系列最新一代 Jordan Super.Fly MVP,可以期待新球季還會有更多 PE 亮相。
圖片來源:Blake Griffin