新聞分享 / Reebok 慶祝 Shaq 與 Iverson 進入名人堂推出 ’Hall of Fame’ 鞋款組合
今日上午三位昔日 NBA 球星姚明、Shaq O’neal 與 Allen Iverson 正式進入名人堂,相信有看過他們打球的勘履者皆對於此刻有著說不出的感動,時間固然過得相當快,但他們各自在場上扮演的重要角色卻也常存在球迷心中,即便卸下戰袍依然再以自己的方式與籃球接軌。然而,巧合的是三位皆曾為 Reebok 的簽約球星,而為了歡慶如此重要的時刻,Reebok 也選用 Shaq Attack 與 Question 兩雙經典鞋款推出 ‘Hall of Fame’ 組合。整體以一襲金屬色澤來象徵本次的榮譽,材質的選用上更是奢華,以來自義大利 Pellegrini 皮革製成,並且在皮製鞋墊上印有 O’neal 與 Iverson 給球迷們的話語,此處也提供原文給球迷們參考。Reebok ‘Hall of Fame’ 今日於國外上市,限量 115 雙。
O’neal 給球迷的話:
“It’s been a long journey in this game and I can truly say that I’ve loved every part of it. I set out to be the most dominant player ever, but stats don’t validate my career. The respect of my peers and love from the fans are my biggest validation. This induction is only a part of what makes my career so special. This other is you, the fans. Without your love & support, I would never have become the Big Diesel. From the bottom of my heart, I give you the big thank you.”
Iverson 給球迷的話:
“This induction is a tribute to everybody that helped me – my family, my friends, my fans. I want so much for the people that stuck with me through everything, I want them to feel good about it/ I want them to feel like they’re Hall of Famers. Everybody that was with me throughout the ride, I want them to be proud of themselves for helping me get to such a high level. Thank you, from the bottom of my heart.”
資料來源:EU Kicks / Sneakernews