上海 ADIDAS 夏練國度運動館直擊
ADIDAS ABL / Exploring the Adidas ‘Republic of Sports’ in China
除了 ABL 決賽舞台,adidas 搭建起了一個佔地面積達 4500 平方公尺 (約 1361 坪) 的大型體驗館,偌大空間內共規劃了籃球、足球、跑步及訓練四大區域,各區都有不同的重點鞋款展示,周邊同時還設立許多互動裝置,只要透過 WeChat 軟體至 adidas 官方帳號進行註冊後即可免費參加,現場有著多元運動體驗及有趣互動小遊戲,參加每個項目時掃描 QR Code 後便可累積個人分數,到達一定的積分還可以現場兌換獎品。為期近一個月的活動相當豐富,每一周都有不同的主題內容開放報名,各位勘履者近期若是有造訪上海不妨安排前來體驗,相關詳細資訊可至活動官網:http://ros.adidas.cn 瞭解。
籃球區以 Locker Room 球員櫃的概念做為呈現方式,即將在臺灣發售的 D Rose 7 則另外還擁有一個獨立展示區塊,明天 Derrick Rose 本人也會親臨現場和大家介紹他的新一代戰靴。
「極速幻影」藉由影像擷取裝置記錄下參與者躍起灌籃的身影,進到屋內完成動作後外牆上螢幕便會顯示出屬於你的 Highlight 時刻。
現場展示有 adidas 近期發表的 “The Speed of Light Pack” 一系列無鞋帶足球靴確實讓人倍感興趣,突破傳統設計,一體純粹的線條輪廓相當漂亮,看到實鞋時也忍不住多駐足了一會兒。
adidas 規劃了 BOOST Run Lab,講述 BOOST 科技研發及應用的歷程,現場有著以 BOOST 質料製成的地墊,讓消費者能親身體驗其彈性與能量回饋,也可以透過 RUNGENIE 設備來測量腳型,進而選擇最適合自己的跑鞋。
現場的跑步機除了可以挑戰負重 20 磅的情況下能跑上多遠的距離外,adidas 更號召大家以運動創造能量,用跑步為公益盡一份心力,在這邊跑出的每一步都將轉化為 adidas 愛心電站的電力,將為農村地區的兒童教育作出貢獻,意義別具。
Climachill 系列是 adidas 以控溫技術打造的運動裝備,現場透過 3D 投影與體感溫度測試等遊戲互動,讓大家能感受到 Climachill 系列在夏日高溫中帶來的涼爽感受。
adidas 夏練國度運動館
地址:上海世紀公園二號門內大草坪 (上海市浦東新區錦繡路 901 號)。
開放時間:即日起至 8 月 22 日,周一至五 09:00~18:00,周六、日及特別活動日 09:00~21:00。
● 於 adidas 官方 WeChat 進行註冊,並可預約指定活動。
● 現場依工作人員指示註冊,即可入場體驗。
Besides from the ABL finals stage, the ‘Republic of Sports’ is a 4,500 square meter indoor venue that was specially designed to provide a month-long sports and fitness experience for visitors. In which they will discover sporting gears in all four of Adidas’ core categories including basketball, football, training and running. Each area within the venue also provides interaction installations. Visitors are only required to register at the official Adidas account through Wechat to participate in the mini games. You may visit http://ros.adidas.cn for more details on the event.
Basketball area
The basketball area layout is inspired by locker rooms. Where the freshly introduced D Rose 7 is presented along with his Knicks Jersey. During the main event coming up tomorrow, Derrick Rose himself is going to present his kicks to the audiences.
Football area
Walking in to the area, a series of laceless cleats has definitely caught the attention of our eyes. “The Speed of Light Pack” introduces an innovative design which they embodies the concept of simplicity. To be honest, these samples got me lingering for a while.
Running area
The BOOST Run lab demonstrates the process of Research and development of the BOOST technology. A carpet made of BOOST material is demonstrated for visitors to experience how the feedback of energy benefits the impact protection on the shoes. Interestingly, there you can also find an interaction installation featuring “RUNGENIE” where you receive a complete measure of your feet in order to select the best pair that matches you toe to ankle.
Training area
Climachill series is a cooling apparel technology designed for athletes to sustain through high temperature. In the Training area, a thermal test demonstration zone allows the visitors to get a feel of the how the technology works.