adidas ABL 系列報導


Adidas ABL coverage/ Derrick Rose talks about D Rose 7 and new chapter in career
對 Derrick Rose 而言,這絕對是近年最不一樣的夏天,首先他將離開效力多年的故鄉芝加哥,前往紐約迎接全新挑戰,另一方面,他將迎來個人第七雙簽名鞋款,這是 adidas 籃球鞋史上的新里程碑,日前他也帶著兒子 PJ 參與了 Drake 的演唱會,他自己認為他喜歡這樣的生活步調,多花時間在家人身上並保持訓練,他形容這是段寧靜的時光,能夠暫時脫離許多紛擾對他來說很享受,以編輯部這幾年見到他的感覺形容的話,上回訪問他時,他是緊繃著鞭策自己準備好面對挑戰,今次則多了幾分從容與爽朗,少了患得患失心態,令人開心並且期待 Derrick Rose 的新頁,這回他與台灣媒體聊了不少,我們從以 D Rose 7 為主的角度來了解目前他的想法與狀態。

For Derrick Rose, this is definitely one of the most critical summer throughout his career. After spending eight years in Chicago, he is heading to New York for the upcoming season. On the other hand, his seventh signature sneaker D Rose 7 has been recently released. We are privileged to sit down with him to talk about his current condition and thoughts on his latest signature.
  • 你覺得 D Rose 系列鞋款設計的方向是甚麼?你個人對最新的 D Rose 7 設計有哪些投入嗎?

我們致力於提供大家「想要的籃球鞋」,有好多像是我姪子那樣的小孩近年喜歡的是亮色系,而材質、設計的多元對球鞋愛好者可能會更有吸引力,像是過去由黑與紅色構築的那些故事,雖然短時間難以想像,但接著都是由藍色還有橘色取代了,我覺得 adidas 在這些方面投注很多心血。

我第一次看到 D Rose 7 已超過兩年,當時的版本並不是我所喜歡的類型,特別是偏窄的鞋型讓我直接對設計師提出了一些建議,經過多次的討論跟修改才走了接近現今版本的雛形,目前不論是性能或是樣貌我都很滿意。

What are some concepts involved in the designing process? Did you participate in the process?

It was two years ago since I first saw the prototype of D Rose 7. I wasn’t very satisfied on the narrow foot design back then and I made some direct suggestions to the designer, The D Rose 7 we see today is a result of several discussions and modifications.

adidas D Rose 7 令人滿意"

  • D Rose 7 的全掌 Boost 中底看起來真誘人,你認為穿起來最棒的地方是什麼?
就結論來說是一如往昔的舒適。當然 adidas 幫我準備的鞋款在沒有搭載 BOOST 前就已經有著好的性能跟保護,但是兩年前 D Rose 5 開始搭載後我真開心自己能夠穿到 BOOST 的鞋款,當初剛看到會很好奇鞋子的外型有很多改變,但一穿上我就懂了,這個科技對品牌或是我都影響很大,我覺得自己很幸運能穿上搭載 BOOST 科技的鞋款,同時也開心你們能與我共享這個科技。
The full-length Boost on the D Rose 7 looks absolutely seductive, what are some of your favorite features?

Result-wise, it is comfortable as usual. From the moment I wear them on I realized how much big of an impact the BOOST technology has offered to my game and Adidas. I am fortunate to be wearing this technology.

  • 下個球季起你穿回了高中時代的 25 號,Rose Logo 是否會重新設計呢?
呃,事實上並不會,因為 1 號不僅是代表球衣上的數字那麼單純,對我還有當初 Rose Logo 設計時都有很多層面的意義存在,另一方面我也希望人們透過球技記住我,而不僅是 1 或是 25 號,同時我覺得 Logo 目前的樣子我挺喜歡的,adidas 跟我暫時沒有去討論改變它的計畫。
You’re going to wear number 25 in the upcoming season, is there any plan to design a new ROSE logo?

No, we’re not going to have a new logo anytime soon. The number 1 on the ROSE logo is not only a number of jersey. I also intent fans to focus on my performance instead of changing a number.

  • 除了 D Rose 系列籃球鞋你平日最喜歡的 adidas 鞋款是什麼?
沒有特定的鞋款,大部分我都還滿喜歡的,真的要說的話就像剛剛說的,搭載 BOOST 科技的鞋子我都還滿推薦的,非關我的代言人身分,而是它真的是個很舒適的科技。

  • 你自己接著的目標是什麼?可以鼓勵一下參與 ABL 比賽的選手關於籃球與未來嗎?

在尼克我們有非常多的進攻選擇,並不是說公牛沒有,不過現在有 Carmelo Anthony 等人主導,不像先前公牛大部分由我或是 Jimmy Butler 發動,我還是會全力以赴打球,但是會選擇分享更多的球權,扮演好身為控球後衛的角色,如果能贏球整場比賽我只出手 5 次也無妨。


What are some personal goals you have for the future and what are some suggestions you have for the ABL players?

I am going to embrace the role of being a point guard and focus on sharing the ball. It doesn’t matter if I only have five shot attempts throughout the game as long as we are winning. We have a lot of scoring options in the Knicks, including players like Carmelo Anthony that can initiate the offense by themselves. For the ABL players, remember that hard work always pays off. The road to success comes through determination and perseverance.

